What Others Say

What people say about us…

My son had a great time at class last Saturday!  It was wonderful to watch all the little ones learn to listen and stay still! I really think that learning karate is going to help him learn to follow directions, show respect and develop social skills. I think you are doing a great job! – Christine W.


I just wanted to say thank you for the time that you worked with my son.  He used his breathing techniques, even when he was getting angry, and he did very well this weekend.  He has been having a hard time with this recent move.  Anyway, I wanted to let you know that he really enjoyed his class and is looking forward to coming back.  Thank you so much. – Kim C.



I felt compelled to tell you that Tai Chi class on Wednesday was GREAT!  The ending meditation you did was extremely meaningful and much needed.  I have been having more moments of sadness lately and remembering love both given and received was special.  It never ceases to amaze me how when you are open to it, the universe provides what we need.  I’m really diggin’ karate too!  It’s awesome…of course the instructor helps that! – Heather E.


When I first began my Tai Chi Classes my arms were in such pain that I could not even raise them up to the sides. After a few weeks of Tai Chi most of the pain is gone. Now I can raise my arms straight up. Tai Chi has helped me to relax , feel great and has increased my flexibility. -Barbara



Our Daughter has thoroughly enjoyed the Karate and often shows us some things from class when she gets home. You all do an amazing job! Thanks again. – Jen M.


Thanks Sensei!  We are having a BLAST! You are a GREAT teacher and are lots of FUN! -Karate Dad and Son



“Garrett has always been an intelligent & skillful soccer player but somewhat timid, now both Jim and I see that karate has really helped Garrett “blossom” in soccer both physically and mentally. He is physically stronger, more flexible and quicker in his responses, his confidence level has risen and he really goes for the ball now & scores like we knew he had it in him.

And because of karate, Kyla also has made improvements in her strength, coordination, and confidence. She loves it and frankly we’re grateful that she’ll have a grasp on how to defend herself if she needs to. -K. T. Mom


“I am really enjoying my time at the karate school…a lot more than I thought I would at first…I’m very happy that my husband and I chose to send Johnny to Villari’s as it has started me on my own path of Black Belt Excellence. Thank you for all that you do.”  -Ann C.



“We appreciate everything you do for John. The notes that you send home. I think he has made great strides in his confidence and in his discipline since going to your classes. From a parent’s perspective, thank you very much.” -Janet M.


“I have learned many life skills on my journey to Junior Black Belt. In addition to  the three rules of the school, I have also learned “Black Belt Excellence” and gratitude. I also learned that “perfect practice makes perfect.” These life skills help me in school, socially, and in my family life.  Meditation has also helped me calm myself down and have complete focus on whatever I am doing.

As a Junior Black Belt, I am now ready to commit to becoming an Adult Black Belt.  I understand that I will learn and develop, as part of my training, skills like- leadership, contributing and helping others whenever possible.  I am prepared to make this commitment because this is what “Black Belt Excellence” is all about. This is what I have learned from karate; to help others when they are in need.  Like when I help out in classes, as a member of the S.T.O.R.M. Team.  I have been committed to helping out students as a member of the S.T.O.R.M  Team, once or twice a week for several years.  I can contribute by helping my friends in school and in the dojo, when they ask.  This is how I feel I can contribute.”   – Jimmy D.    Excerpt from his Junior Black Belt Letter   December 16, 2006



“I have learned many, many life skills on my way to Junior Black Belt. Some of these are being focused, sociable, self-confident, and having self-control and self-discipline. I think being focused was one of the greatest things I have learned on my journey to Junior Black Belt. Being able to focus allows me to have fun, but know when to be serious. The ability to focus is a good skill to have in life because with focus you can do hard work without being distracted. For example, focusing on school work or karate might mean missing your favorite TV show, but in the end it will pay off. Karate has made me more sociable and self-confident because it is a sociable event. -Matteson H.
Excerpt from his Junior Black Belt Letter   December 16, 2006


I wanted to reiterate the phenomenal job I think you do with the children you teach. It is so much more rich and valuable than just self-defense- you incorporate values, self-esteem, and healthy ways to handle life situations. It is truly prescious to have those important character traits reinforced outside the home.  Your kind, yet firm approach is effective. It is a pleasure to watch and we all think you are terriffic.” -Gratefully, Amy L.



“After many years of recovery from a car accident, the study of Tai Chi with Jesse Harding has given me the gift of renewed Balance…not to be taken lightly, this is truly a blessing for body, mind and spirit! This Balance is especially evidenced physically, where previously I could not walk heel to toe, I can now balance on one leg with the other out-stretched!  Imagine the internal and spiritual growth that come with practice!  Namaste. – Beth J.


“We are moving to Virginia this summer and I wanted to take the time to thank you for a great Karate experience. My son, Reid (age 8) has attended the Middletown, Rhode Island Villari’s Dojo for the last year. Arriving from another state, and having to adjust to a new style and rank system is particularly difficult for military kids. Changing instructors can be a challenge for a 7 or 8 year old. The important part of any program of instruction is the quality of the instructor and your instructors here in RI are outstanding.

My son has grown in maturity, self-discipline, respect for others and the ability to focus on both short and long-term goals. Starting as a white belt to being tested this Saturday for purple, he has been able to learn complex moves and develop self-confidence to really commit to the long-term goal of becoming a Black Belt. This is because of the instructor’s dedication to their students and amazing ability of these men and women to reach the kids at their level and speed of learning. I cannot say enough good things about instructors, Jesse Harding, Elaine Stoeckle and Steve. Led by Mr. Harding, they are the best representatives of martial arts in the community, focusing on the heart and mind, along with physical effort, they manage to train the whole art in an 8 year old. Amazing what they have accomplished, my wife and I are both impressed.
We are proud of our son and your instructors.  Together they have taken children and helped them prepare for life by planting them in a firm foundation of martial arts.”
Sincerely, Reidar F. L. Major USMC



“My son Alex has been a student at Villari’s for the last three years. He was six years old when he started the program. Karate has been an influential asset to my son’s life. It has improved his coordination, strength, concentration, self-esteem and self-confidence.  The program has also reinforced such home values as respect for others.

Alex looks forward to his classes and implements what he learns in Karate class at home and at school. The Villari program incorporates home and school ideals into its classes. In order to advance, a student must meet certain criteria based on self-determination, self-respect and self-control at home and school. Parents and teachers must attest to these achievements. What I like most about the program is its integration of home and school which are so important in a child’s life. I highly recommend Villari’s Martial Arts Classes to any student with interest.” -Marilyn G. M.


“I would like to complement how you run your dojo. I especially enjoy the self-defense and sparring classes. I would like to thank you for instructing me how to do my best and be respectful.” – Sincerely, Kieran W.



“We have been pleased every day at the high quality-level of training you provide. You are very professional and your ability to work with students with many different levels of skill makes it fun for all. We are extremely happy that we will be stationed here for the next two years and anticipate Patrick continuing to improve upon his skills and his love for Karate. Thank you so very much for playing a significant part in easing Patrick’s transition into a new state and a new school and for running such an exceptional Karate school!” – Sincerely, Robert O.


“Thanks for your note. I had similar thoughts about his progress as I watched class on Wednesday – I was glad he bounced back from the ‘forgot my belt’ incident & think it was a powerful lesson. He is definitely the one that remembers it as we leave the house now.

We’re very happy with your program & think its a great fit for John right now. I love that it has encouraged us to have discussions on character, and respect, and focus and get him feeling, if not thinking about, a mind/body connection. And at the same time he’s having fun & laughing – and getting to kick and punch things which is very motivating at this age!

He was very excited to receive the letter about yellow belt testing & I’m sure he won’t be forgetting his belt next saturday.” – Marilyn S.



“Every time I speak to you I am reminded of my short time attending the Circle Of Light. I enjoyed it so much.  The small group there was made up of the most kind, gentle and intelligent people I have known… I hope the Circle of Light continues a long time.  I honor what you are doing very much.” – Linda E.


“I would like to thank you for all that you have taught me during my stay in Newport, Rhode Island. I would like to thank you for teaching me the techniques that incorporate mind, body, and spirit in self-defense. By learning directly from you and the staff at Villari’s, I have truly become a better person.  I have learned skills that I will take with me and cherish for the rest of my life. I am eternally grateful. If I am ever in the area again I will be sure to stop by and visit the dojo. Thanks again, it was fun!!!” – Sincerely, Colleen I.


“Thank you so much for your support! I could never appear in the Miss Rhode Island Teen USA pageant if it weren’t for your help and I greatly appreciate it. You’re helping me to achieve my dreams! I can’t thank you enough for how much you’ve helped me along toward reaching my goal!…You are one of the kindest and most loving people who I’ve had the pleasure to learn from in my life and you taught me many of the fundamentals and values I hold today (especially self-control, self-respect, and self-discipline)…I think being there, besides teaching me self-defense, taught me a lot about goals, in which you had a major role…Thank you so much Sensei!” -Jessica L., Jr. Black Belt


“You will definitely see me in September, I really can’t wait to go back to the dojo. I really enjoyed learning so many new things during the two weeks of classes. The atmosphere at the dojo is great, the people are awesome, and you and Sensei Elaine are great teachers. I am definitely looking forward to attending classes as soon as possible.” -Giuliana N.



“Last night’s Tai Chi class was great! Loved doing those warm-up exercises at the beginning and moving through all of the animals during the warm up. The images & dynamic changes used were very inspiring, stimulating & motivating. Going through the form in different variations, using images and breaking it down into parts is great for the body & mind to incorporate the movement naturally, kinesthetically and using all the senses. Talking about the Inner Chi cards was a wonderful time to stretch the soul with thoughts to ponder. Best of all it was really FUN & relaxing. Thanks!”-Karen T.


Just wanted to let you know that I thought the Junior/Teen Advanced class tonight was awesome!! You really kept them moving, thinking, in-line, and inspired!! The students have really improved and have matured as well. It’s amazing to watch the way they all move. So, BRAVO and many Thanks! -Mom


“I have never had so much fun at a children’s birthday party before!  My little Matthew – felt so special.  He was the star.  All of the children were so engaged.  And your staff is just wonderful.  Thanks again.” -Bethany B.