Women’s Self-Defense

Women Self Defense Training Villaris Martial Arts www.villaris-ri.com

Women Self Defense Workshop Sep 20 2023 7 to 830 villaris-ri.com Jesse Harding

Villari’s Women Safety & Self-Defense Training

At Villari’s we are Dedicated to the advancement of minimizing risk from Criminal Assaults

and empowering Women with essential & effective Self-Defense skills and tools!


Our mission is to save over a million people from physical assaults. Just as CPR for managing heart attacks was developed in the late 1950s and is now taught to millions every year, MCA for “Managing Criminal Attacks” has evolved since the 1990’s and has since been taught to thousands of people. Nobody can predict how many people will have been saved by MA technology a few generations from now but that number is irrelevant to the loved ones of every person it saves along the way.

women self defense be prepared villaris martial arts www.villaris-ri.com Jesse Harding

We’re All About You

Every person is unique and our mandate is to meet your individual personal needs. When you have questions, your Presenter will work with you until they are answered to your satisfaction. That is our commitment to you.

At Managing Assaults, we are ever-conscious that peoples’ lives and well-being depend on the quality of our work – and every life is priceless, worth more than any profit gained by compromising our standards.

About Presentations

Accelerated impactful learning gained from experience that produces effective response under stress occurs only by advanced design. Your Presenter will be fully engaged and leading a dynamic interactive experience. Each course has a brief verbal introduction and proceeds directly to role-playing scenarios that are both exciting and challenging. We implement very specific and powerful communication techniques to deeply imbed conditioned responses when triggered by stress – and we do this in a non-threatening atmosphere. Our progressive multi-layered role-playing scenarios allow people to gain and maintain control in gradual manageable stages so people feel comfortable to participate. Our sophisticated, unique, and powerful presentations work.

women self defense be prepared villaris martial arts www.villaris-ri.com


All Adults Women (&men) from all walks of
life enjoy safer freer lives from our training.
Response-able people we’ve trained often tell us they feel less stress in their everyday lives.

All Teenagers The teenage world can be just as dangerous as the adult world they are about to enter.
Give your children these protective tools now &they will have them for life.

Focus Groups We service a diverse range of unique groups and focus on their particular needs.
Families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, special needs, private groups and businesses of all kinds.



Managing Criminal Assault Villaris Martial Arts Middletown RI Jesse Harding

Managing Criminal Assaults & Preventing Criminal Contact Course

The objective of this course is to provide you with means to manage a criminal assault in progress. We cover awareness but since criminals practice how to get close, this course presents exactly what to say and do when face-to-face with a threat.

By knowing the phases through which criminal assaults progress and by having a well-rehearsed action plan every step of the way, you will stand the best chance to avoid physical contact.

Besides an easy test that removes any doubt whether someone has honest or dishonest intentions, you will learn how to:

Maintain a safe zone
Respond when approached
See behind you without turning your head
Maintain control of the situation
Employ a protective fence
Escalate your responses
Convince them you are not vulnerable
Deny them from gaining good positioning
Stop someone who quickly steps in on you
Spot obvious signs of impending attack
Interrupt an attack when it is weak & much more.
(This Workshop is 2hours , No Physical Contact.)

*This material and these skill-sets are integrated into our self-defense classes at Villari’s.

Women Self Defense Safety Training Villaris Martial Arts www.villaris-ri.com

Desperate Measures (using an improvised weapon)

Counterpart to Managing Criminal Attacks, this course presents how to use a pen or pointy object as a last resort to rescue yourself. The objective is how to keep an attacker off you, or get them off you, so you can escape. If someone you love is in peril, this is what you want them to know. (2 hours, light physical contact)

Self defense training adults villaris martial arts middletown RI 1 2 3

Un-Picking a Fight 

This course presents ways to deal with an aggressor(s) who has targeted you. Learn how to handle the Eye Contact Challenger, the Falsely Offended Challenger, Pack-o-Punks, the pitfalls of Samaritan Intervention, and how to diffuse or depart with dignity. A generation ago this course was just for men but sadly, now women need it too. (2 hours, no physical contact)

Villaris martial arts self defense training middletown RI

Striking First

Counterpart to Un-Picking a Fight, this course presents how to set up and execute a first strike for times when you need to hit an aggressor first. In some situations, especially when you are outsized or outnumbered, it can be unwise to forfeit the initiative. To maximize your effect, you will learn to use sophisticated distractions and how to strike from the natural hand positions of negotiation; and you learn the best way to cover, and recover, if he attacks when you are not ready.
(2 hours, light physical contact)

Self defense training adults villaris martial arts middletown RI

Self-Defense Tactics & Solutions For Threats From The Front, Back, Sides and Up Against A Wall 

Explores common relative positional threat situations and attack scenarios.

Role play and self-defense skills and solutions for facing attacks from the Front, the Back, The Sides, and Against a Wall are presented.

Practical, efficient and effective self-defense applications are covered. (1-2hour long classes, light contact)




-Self-Defense Classes are offered at Villari’s Martial Arts Center and are open to students, family members and the general public.
-Open Seminars can be hosted by anyone and are open to the general public.
-Private Seminars are for groups or businesses that prefer to invite only members of their group.
-Personal Training services individuals and small groups who may prefer privacy and at a time and place of their convenience.

 Villari's Martial Arts Mission Statement

Adult VMA Villari's Martial Arts Training www.villaris-ri.com

Women Self-Defense:

UPCOMING WORKSHOPS 2023 To be Announced:

RSVP- to reserve your place & contact us regarding any questions you may have.


EMAIL: joe.villarismiddletown@gmail.com

Presented by Jesse Harding , Master Instructor & Sensei Thomas Schmid, Chief Instructor


You can send your name and contact info to us here-

Contact us: CLICK HERE

CONTACT US Villari's Martial Arts ButtonCONTACT US Villari's Martial Arts www.villaris-ri.com


Private Lessons/Small Group Classes for Women Self-Defense Training Can be arranged by appointment.
For more information regarding our Women Self-Defense programs call us at 401-847-0184

EMAIL: tomschmid17@gmail.com



 We’ve been empowering women with self-defense skills for nearly 40 years!

women self def clinicWomen Self Def Workshop Mar 2017
women selfdefense event Conn 2018






















Villari's Martial Arts Mission Statement