Photos- AMOK!

AMOK! INSTRUCTOR, JESSE HARDING (With over 25 years experience in AMOK!, training since 1998 with Tom Sotis)

Jesse, ran and taught the longest, consistently running AMOK! Group for over 20 years here in Middletown.

Jesse now conducts periodic Workshops on AMOK! COMBATIVES  at Villari’s Martial Arts of Middletown RI.

Check for dates and times for upcoming AMOK! WORKSHOPS. Most workshops will take place on a Wednesday Night from 7:00-8:30pm.

jesse bday IPhone Mar 5 2016 803jesse bday IPhone Mar 5 2016 800March April 2016 JesPics 320March April 2016 JesPics 316amok clinic how2prev a crim assault amok mar 08 Oct 2009 fam AMOK fall camp 042 July 09 Amok & All Night Training event 025 SEP 2010 729 Oct Nov 2010 074 april2011 235 AMOK! VMAC Clinic June 2012 DEC 2012 180 DEC 2012 188 jan feb mar 2012 435 AMOK! Class June 2012 amok workout at Po's June2012 DEC 2012 204 Sep2012 041 Sep2012 038 AMOK! gun clinic June2012 Aug Sep 2009 280 Thailand 2006 102 Nov 05 tourn & amok camp 244 Thailand 06 111knife vs knife White Bkgrd65222_10151821390503969_1129087043_n Po neck lock amok Me-and-Mike1-283x300Po grab squared family power mix 2 026

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AMOK! INSTRUCTOR, JESSE HARDING (With over 25 years experience in AMOK!)

Ran and taught the longest, consistently running AMOK! Group for over 20 years here in Middletown.

Jesse now conducts periodic Workshops on AMOK! COMBATIVES  at Villari’s Martial Arts of Middletown RI.

Check for dates and times of AMOK! WORKSHOPS.