T’ai Chi and Qi-Gong

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Tai Chi 8 weeks 2025 Mar 1 to May 8 2025 www.villaris-ri.com Michael Corvese

Qigong Workshops list 2025 Jesse Harding www.villaris-ri.com Middletown RI


 New Tai Chi Students can “drop in” anytime for Tai Chi classes.

Contact us to begin today! 401-847-0184

tai chi qigong villaris martial arts www.villaris-ri2

Main characteristics of T’ai Chi – Qi-Gong 

  • Mindfulness-Awareness training from Tibetan teachings & Shaolin monks of China for the purpose of health cultivation, clear thinking and peace of mind in everyday life.
  • Moving meditation using slow movements to balance thoughts, feelings, and actions to put “more years in your  life and more life in your years.”
  • Flexible tuition programs sure to fit your needs.
  • Family member discounts.
  • Morning and evening classes available.
  • Private Lessons are also available.


tai chi qigong villaris martial arts www.villaris-ri Jesse Harding

Tai Chi & Qigong Classes meet at various locations:

1) Villari’s Martial Arts Center on  Saturday mornings 9:00-10:00am presented by Tai Chi-Qigong Instructor, Michael Corvese.

Follow this link to: Villari’s Schedule

2) Virtual Class: Zoom Tai Chi-Qigong Monday Mornings 8:30-9:30am, presented by Tai Chi-Qigong Instructor, Master Jesse Harding

3) OFF SITE LOCATION: Edward King House in Newport  presented by Tai Chi-Qigong Instructor, Kenji Omori

PRIVATE LESSONS are available by appointment.


Main benefits of T’ai Chi and Qi-Gong

  • T’ai Chi has become universally accepted for its health benefits and peace of mind that can be achieved by all ages.
  • By learning to activate the “feeling intelligence” balanced with the “thinking intelligence” we experience life as a flow rather than a struggle.
  • The exercises gently guide us to expanded potential in any area of body, mind or emotion by dissolving (any and all) blocks through relaxation and the practice of mindfulness in everyday life.
  • The benefits can be felt  immediately  and are long-lasting with regular practice. Many new students in a short period of time are told by  friends and family of noticeable changes for the better.

“If you want to be healthy and live to one hundred, do Qigong.”

-“Dr. Oz”- Turkish-American  cardiothoracic  surgeon, author & TV personality.


“T’ai Chi is the up and coming favorite among fitness-conscious men and women around the world. Its practice spread from China to all of Asia, including Japan, Indonesia and is now appearing in the U.S.A. Millions have benefited from the well choreographed body movements. Every move, every turn, every graceful step has been designed to improve respiration, heart functions, circulation, and psychological and spiritual wellness. Highly recommended at any age.”

  -Adelbert DeVajay, M.D.

Director of Medical Research in Mind and Body Wellness



Main characteristics of  Qi-Gong, Taoist and Tibetan Yoga

  • Sitting, Standing and Moving Meditation Exercises for Personal Healing, Relaxation, Peak Performance and Well Being.
  • The Inner Chi methods and systems blend trusted, ancient traditions of T’ai Chi, Qi-Gong, Meditation, and Taoist and Tibetan Yoga with modern applications found in Mind/Body/Spirit Medical settings.
  • In Qi Gong, patterns of simple natural and flowing movements identify the patterns of imbalance in body, mind, and emotion so that they may be released, thus restoring health and peace of mind “to put more years in your life and more life in your years.”
  • Qi Gong offers a method of training the nervous system, the mind, internal organs and the subtle-energetic body, so that the inner strength of the whole person is raised to a new level of power, health and fitness.
  • You can learn how to relax anytime, anywhere with the Tai Chi “flow experience”.


“Tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion,”

but it might well be called “medication in motion.”

 There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice…

 has value in treating or preventing many health problems.”

~Harvard Women’s Health Watch, May 2009

Main Benefits of Qi-Gong & Taoist Yoga

  • Integration of principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Medical Qigong
  • Evoke the “Relaxation Response” and “Expanded Awareness”
  • Promote the conditions for Healing
  • Reduce Pain and Suffering
  • Promote a connection with one’s sense of Personal Sanctuary and Inner Knowing
  • Rejuvenate, Recharge and Balance one’s physical and spiritual energy
  • Off-load the effects of Stress
  • Empowers you to interrupt unwanted patterns and channel your daily cycle of thought and habit into wanted patterns of successful and abundant living

“T’ai Chi Ch’uan, the great ultimate, strengthens the weak, raises the sick, 

invigorates the debilitated and encourages the timid.”

-Cheng Man Ching, Tai Chi Master

IMG_5418AUG 2011 080IMG_5154Jesse TAI CHI Newport Today News Story Jan 19 2017Newport Life Mag article Winter 07 Editionjesse bday IPhone Mar 5 2016 638taichi queen square jesse


About Michael Corvese- Tai Chi – Qigong Instructor

HeadshotMichael has been practicing Qigong and Taijiquan since 2013.

After 25 years of struggling with stress and anxiety in unhealthy ways, he discovered the eastern arts of Qigong and Taijiquan (Tai Chi).

Inspired by a visit to Qingcheng Mountain, considered the birthplace of Taoism, in Chengdu, China, Michael began his study of eastern philosophy and medicine.

These practices led to a change in both physical and mental states that caused a monumental transformation of body, mind, and spirit.

Michael began studying the works of Dr. Yang Jwing Ming in 2013, including Qigong theory, multiple Qigong exercise sets, and the 37 posture Yang style Taijiquan form.

Later, Michael joined Central Maryland Martial Arts where he spent 2 years learning the Yang style 13- and 24-posture forms, and a 42-posture mixed style Taijiquan form

under the supervision of instructors Richard White and Anna Cross.

Now back in Rhode Island, Michael has been a student of Master Jesse Harding, at Villari’s Martial Arts Center, since 2021, practicing the 37 posture Yang style Taijiquan form,

learning new and interesting Qigong sets, and attending advanced Qigong and meditation classes.

He has been sharing the benefits of this practice with family and friends for several years.

Michael received his certification as a Taijiquan/Qigong Instructor in 2023 and is continuing his educational studies with Master Harding.

Contact Michael directly:

EMAIL:  michael.villarismiddletown@gmail.com


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hardingAbout Jesse Harding- Director & Tai Chi – Qigong Master Instructor

Jesse Harding, 7th degree Black Belt, Master of Medical Qigong, Director of Villari’s Studio in Middletown, began his study of Tai Chi and Qigong in 1994. Jesse earned his first “Tai Chi-Qigong Instructor” certification in 1996 and has been teaching weekly Tai Chi and Qigong classes since 1997.  Jesse has taught an average of 4 Tai Chi classes a week, totaling over 8,000 classes over twenty five years.   He has devoted thousands of hours to training and practicing in the meditative arts of Tai Chi and Qigong. He has taught courses and workshops in Tai Chi and Qigong at Villari’s Martial Arts, Salve Regina University, Portsmouth Senior Center, Edward King House of Newport, and many other locations. Over the years Jesse has received many certifications in the areas of Tai Chi, Taoist Yoga, and Qigong.  Jesse is a certified  Medical Qigong Master, Practitioner and Therapist. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Salve Regina University teaching courses in Taoist Philosophy and The Art and Science of  Meditation. Master Jesse teaches workshops and private sessions at Villari’s but no longer teaches the weekly Tai Chi-Qigong classes.

EMAIL: taichi.qigongwithjesse@gmail.com

INSTAGRAM: taichi.qigongwithjesse


Video of Master Jesse performing the 37 Posture Yang Tai Chi Form:


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Jesse Harding Tai Chi Villaris-RI.com Middletown RI


Jesse Harding , Dr. Paul Lam, Jay Van Schelt

Tai Chi for Arthritis Weekend Certification 2001

“Originating in ancient China, tai chi is one of the most effective exercises for health of mind and body. Although an art with great depth of knowledge and skill, it can be easy to learn and soon delivers its health benefits. For many, it continues as a lifetime journey.

There are many styles and forms of tai chi, the major ones being Chen, Yang, Wu, Wu (different words in Chinese) and Sun. Each style has its own features, but all styles share the same essential principles.

The essential principles include mind integrated with the body; control of movements and breathing; generating internal energy, mindfulness, song (loosening 松) and jing (serenity 静). The ultimate purpose of tai chi is cultivate the qi or life energy within us to flow smoothly and powerfully throughout the body. Total harmony of the inner and outer self comes from the integration of mind and body, empowered through healthy qi through the practice of tai chi.”

           -Dr. Paul Lam, Tai Chi Master



Jesse Harding Tai Chi Form villaris-ri.com Middletown RI Villari's Martial Arts


Watch Instructional Videos of Jesse Harding  covering various topics of T’ai Chi and Qi-Gong (filmed in December 2013) by clicking each link, these videos were originally shot for LiveStrong.com and have been presented on the LiveStrong.com website.

1. “How to use Tai Chi for Combat”

2. “Proper Breathing in Tai Chi”

3. “Qi-Gong Movements for Beginners”

4. “How do I Learn the Tai Chi Step Walk”

5. “Tai Chi Exercises in a Chair” 

6. “Instructions for the Tai Chi Prayer Wheel”

7. “Tai Chi Exercise with Visual Step by Step Instruction”

JESSE H Tai Chi Breathing Picture Livestrong Jesse Harding Tai Chi in CHAIR Livestrong Jesse Tai Chi Video LIVESTRONG PIC QiGong Movements for Beginners Livestrong Jesse Harding





Contact us today to schedule a Free Tai Chi- Qigong Class

tai chi qigong villaris martial arts www.villaris-ri2

VMAC DoorWindow Sign 2013

“Empty your mind. Be Formless, Shapeless, like water. Now, you put water into a cup,
it becomes the cup. You put water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle.
You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.  Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.”
-Bruce Lee  (Sharing Taoist Tai Chi Philosophy)

Villari's Martial Arts Mission Statement

“A Healer in every family and a world without suffering”
-Taoist Axiom

tai chi qigong villaris martial arts www.villaris-ri Jesse Harding

Qigong Workshop FEB 12 715pm 2025 with Jesse Harding www.villaris-ri.comSleeping Dragon Meditation WED Mar 19 2025 www.villaris-ri.com Jesse Harding

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Yiquan Neigong Vibration Training WED JUNE 11 2025 www.villaris-ri.com Jesse Harding Expanding Energetic Consciousness JULY 16 2025 www.villaris-ri.com Jesse Harding

18 Shaolin Lohan Wkshp WED SEP 24 www.villaris-ri.com Jesse Harding5 Element Qigong Workshop WED OCT 15 www.villaris-ri.com Jesse Harding

5 Healing Lights Qigong Meditation Wkshp WED DEC 10 www.villaris-ri.com Jesse Harding